Are we still YouTubers if we don't appear in our videos? This was just one of the thoughts that crossed my mind as we figured out how to set up our youtube channel. We are total youtube rookies. Things we googled: "Is iMovie good enough for YouYube?" and "What is an SEO?" Yes. it's true. We had no idea what SEO stood for. We had A LOT to learn. At one point The Pie made a really good point, being an avid YouTube watcher herself, she said, "videos don't get found, they get lost." Encouraging, right? Did you know that 300 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every minute? No biggie. But we were just so excited to be creating! We were bursting with ideas and just wanted to get it all out there. We had lists upon lists. Lists of names, lists of video ideas, a giant to-do list and a list of a million questions. Here are a few of the questions we tried to figure out the answer to, and some of what we found helpful. How do you design ch...
Hello Namers! Mom and the Pie is a mother-daughter collaboration. We fell quickly in love with naming and this is the perfect outlet for our creativity. It is also a great way to spend time together. We enjoy the art of naming and hope to offer baby name inspiration. Find us: #namingbaby